On 15-16 October, in celebration of Code Week Europe 2016, the Digital Leadership Institute and its partners will organise the second FREE Move It Forward – female digital starters weekend bringing 100 teen and adult women* together from greater Brussels to develop digital projects that support women refugees and asylum-seekers in Europe. This initiative, part of the DLI inQube female digital accelerator, is supported by top technology companies, and youth and women’s networks and communities. Its objective is to give beginner girls and women the skills to drive positive change and enable them to become digital entrepreneurs and leaders.
Participants: If you are a teen or adult woman* interested in building your tech and startup skills for the benefit of women asylum-seekers and refugees in Europe, please apply to attend this FREE event at the following link: http://bit.ly/mifbru16oct
Applications are being accepted on a rolling basis and effort will be made to accommodate everyone who applies.
Supporters: Please see a list of our Move It Forward partners and sponsors below, and kindly contact us if you would like more information on how to support this event. Opportunities exist for Move It Forward volunteers, interpreters, coaches, jury members, content and media partners, prize contributors and sponsors.
*anyone who identifies as a woman

Draft Programme:
Day One – 15 October (Saturday):
- 8:00-8:30 – Registration & Coffee
- 8:30-9:30 – Opening Plenary: Inspiring talks by Move It Forward Partners
- Welcome & Keynote Presentations:
- Keynote: Ms. Yara Al-Adib – Service & UX Consultant/Deloitte Digital
- Welcome & Keynote Presentations:
- 9:30-11:30 – Workshop 1: Web Development with WordPress (TBC)
- 12:30 – 13:30 – Lunch Break
- 13:30-15:30 – Workshop 2: Grow Your Business with Salesforce.org (TBC)
- 15:30-18:00 – Brainstorming, Proposals, Idea Selection, Team Grouping & Project Work
- 18:00-19:00 – Dinner
- 19:00-22:00 – Project Work with Coaches
Day Two – 16 October (Sunday):
- 8:00-8:30 – Coffee & Danishes
- 8:30-10:30 – Workshop 3: Smartphone App Development with MIT App Inventor for Android (TBC)
- 10:30-12:30 – Workshop 4: Launching Your Project in the Cloud with Amazon Web Services (TBC)
- 12:30-13:30 – Lunch Break
- 13:30-16:00 – Project Work with Coaches
- 16:00-17:00 – Presentation Preparation
- 17:00-19:00 – Closing Plenary: Project Presentations & Judging
- 18:30 – Keynote Presentation: TBA
- 19:00-21:00 – Awards Dinner & Networking
Prizes will be awarded for top three projects presented on Sunday afternoon:
- Overall Best: 6-month inQubation at DLI; 10 Hours one-to-one inQube Startup Coaching; Other TBC
- Biggest Challenge: 4-month inQubation at DLI; 8 Hours one-to-one inQube Startup Coaching; Other TBC
- Best Technical Solution: 4-month inQubation at DLI; 8 Hours one-to-one inQube Startup Coaching; Other TBC
Sponsors & Partners:
Thank you to the individuals and organisations who are making this event possib