The Ministry of Equal Opportunity of the Brussels Capital Region has selected DLI to lead a seminal campaign engaging Brussels adult and teenage women in addressing cyberviolence in their communities.
Furthering equal opportunities off- and online
In Fall 2015, DLI will carry out several inQube – female digital accelerator workshops to build awareness about the growing problem of online violence, bullying and hate speech, and provide girls and women with skills and resources for tackling this problem.
Selma Franssen, DLI Communications Director and inQube Community Manager: “I’m incredibly proud that the Brussels Capital Region acknowledges DLI’s work to get more women into the ESTEAM* sector by granting us these funds. The way women are systematically excluded or bullied online (see gamer gate as a notable example), forms a huge barrier to creating an interest in the tech or digital sector among women. This is a problem we want to address.”

Move It Forward
Six workshops will be held at DLI headquarters in Brussels from September through November 2015, culminating in the 28-29 November global launch of a Move It Forward digital starter event for women focusing on Cyberviolence.
Participants get to learn from experts in the field of digital safety, psychology and online communities, as well as discuss the topic of online safety with representatives of tech companies and get hands on to lay the foundations for their own safe online community. They’ll also learn to tinker with digital means and build our own solutions.
Hands on workshops
Selma Franssen: ”We’re currently working on an exciting programme that will encourage knowledge sharing between experts and participants. Anyone who is active on social media will have some experience of unsafe situations and I’m looking forward to seeing the solutions we can come up with collectively.”
There is a limited number of places available for the six workshops (3 tailor made for girls and 3 tailor made for women) and the Move It Forward digital starer event event for girls and women. You can sign up through the links below.
We look forward to welcoming you to help “Move It Forward” with DLI!
To partner with or sponsor the Move it Forward Cyberviolence campaign and digital starter event, please contact us!
*ESTEAM: Entrepreneurship, Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Mathematics
The 2015 Move It Forward project on Cyberviolence is supported by the Ministry of Equal Opportunity for the Brussels Capital Region.